Category Archives: Programming

Basic Computational Complexity

In the comments thread of the post on Turing Equivalent vs Turing Complete, there’ve been a flurry of questions and comments about some stuff involving computational complexity. So I thought it would be interesting to write a couple of posts about computational complexity. I’m not going to get into a lot of detail, because I would need to dig out some books that I really don’t want to read again :-). But I can do the basics without them. It’ll take a few posts to get through this.

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Pathological Macros for BrainF**k

Today, I have something really fun and twisted for you. It’s my favorite variation on
BrainF**k, called “BFM”, which is short for “BrainFunct-Macro”. It’s a doubly-Turing-equivalent language – it’s got two complete and distinct Turing equivalent computing systems in it: it’s
got regular BF on the bottom… But before BF gets going to run the program,
the program is pre-processed by a complete lambda-calculus macro expander.

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Turing Equivalent vs. Turing Complete

In my discussion with Sal Cordova in this post, one point came up which I thought was interesting, and worth taking the time to flesh out as a separate post. It’s about the distinction
between a Turing equivalent computing system, and a Turing complete computation. It’s true
that in informal use, we often tend to muddy the line between these two related but distinct concepts. But in fact, they are distinct, and the difference between them can be extremely important. In some sense, it’s the difference between “capable of” and “requires”; another way of looking at it is
“sufficient” versus “necessary”.

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Balanced Binary Trees in Haskell


So, we’ve built up some pretty nifty binary trees – we can use the binary tree both as the
basis of an implementation of a set, or as an implementation of a dictionary. But our
implementation has had one major problem: it’s got absolutely no way to maintain balance. What
that means is that depending on the order in which things are inserted to the tree, we might
have excellent performance, or we might be no better than a linear list. For example, look at
these trees. As you can see, a tree with the same values can wind up quite different. In a good insert order, you can wind up with a nicely balanced tree: the minimum distance from root to leaf is 3; the maximum is 4. On the other hand, take the same values, and insert them in a different order and you
get a rotten tree; the minimum distance from root to leaf is 1, and the maximum is 7. So depending on
luck, you can get a tree that gives you good performance, or one that ends up giving you no better than a plain old list.

Today we’re going to look at fixing that problem. That’s really more of a lesson in data
structures than it is in Haskell, but we’ll need to write more complicated and interesting
data structure manipulation code than we have so far, and it’ll be a lollapalooza of pattern
matching. What we’re going to do is turn our implementation into a red-black tree.

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Pathological Programming in a Circular Queue

Today, I’m going to show you a very simple, very goofy little language called “SCEQL”, which standards for “slow and clean esoteric queue language”. It’s based on nothing but a circular queue
of numbers with nothing but 8 commands. It’s not one of the more exciting languages, but it can
be a lot of fun to figure out how to make the circular queue do what you want it to.

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Tail Recursion: Iteration in Haskell

In Haskell, there are no looping constructs. Instead, there are two alternatives: there are list iteration constructs (like foldl which we’ve seen before), and tail recursion. Let me say, up front, that in Haskell if you find yourself writing any iteration code on a list or tree-like structure, you should always look in the libraries; odds are, there’s some generic function in there that can be adapted for your use. But there are always cases where you need to write something like a loop for yourself, and tail recursion is the way to do it in Haskell.

Tail recursion is a kind of recursion where the recursive call is the very last
thing in the computation of the function. The value of tail recursion is that in a tail
recursive call, the caller does nothing except pass up the value that’s returned
by the the callee; and that, in turn, means that you don’t need to return to the caller
at all! If you think of it in terms of primitive machine-level code, in a tail-recursive call, you can use a direct branch instruction instead of a branch-to-subroutine; the tail-recursive call does *not* need to create a new stack frame. It can just reuse the callers frame.

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Pathological Stack Hell: Underload

Our pathological language this week is [Underload][underload]. Underload is, in some ways, similar to Muriel, only it’s a much more sensible language. In fact, there are actually serious
practical languages called *concatenative languages* based on the same idea as Underload: [Joy][joy] and [Factor][factor] are two examples.
Underload is a remarkably simple language. It’s stack based, like Forth, so all of the data is stored on the stack. Its only means of control is constructing a program on the stack and executing it; and the only data that it can manipulate is lists of characters.
The commands in Underload are:
* `~` – swap the top two elements on the stack.
* `:` – duplicate the top element on the stack.
* `!` – discard the top element on the stack.
* `*` – concatenate the two elements on top of the stack into a single list.
* `a` – take the element on top of the stack, and wrap it in “()”s.
* `(…)` – push the contents of the parens on the stack as a single stack element.
* `S` – print the element on top of the stack.
* `^` – take the element on top of the stack, and append it to the currently executing program
As usual, we’ll start with a “Hello world” program.
(Hello world!)S
Simple, right?
Suppose we wanted to add two numbers. The easiest way to handle numbers in Underload is unary format. So suppose want to add 3 + 5. First, we need to put 3 and 5 on the stack. We can represent three as a list `xxx` and 5 as a list `xxxxx`. To push those onto the stack, we need
to wrap them in parens; and t add them, we want to just concatenate the two lists. So the program to add 3 + 5 and print the result is:
As you’d probably expect, an Underload quine is extremely simple:
I’ll walk through that just to make it clear. First, the list `”:aSS”` is pushed onto the stack, so writing the stack as a list of comma separated elements, the stack is “`[:aSS]`”. Then we execute “:”, which duplicates the top of the stack, leaving “`[:aSS,:aSS]`”. Then we execute “a”, which wraps the element on top of the stack in parens, giving us “`[(:aSS),:aSS]`”. Now there are two “S” commands, which output the two top stack elements; so the out is `(:aSS):aSS`.
A program to generate the fibonacci series is also pretty simple:
It looks like a nighmare, but it’s really not bad. It starts with “()” (0) and “(*)” (1) on the stack. And the rest of the program basically copies the larger number, adds the smaller and larger (giving the next element of the sequence), leaving two fibonacci numbers of the stack. It duplicates the larger, prints it, and then goes on to the next iteration. The body of the program is `(~:^:S*a~^a~!~*~:(/)S^)`, which at the very beginning `(~:^)` duplicates itself.
There’s an online interpreter for [Underload][interp] which does single-stepping. I recommend popping over there, and watching the fibonacci series program execute. It’s much more interesting to watch it in action than it would be to read my detailed description of it!
Now, is this Turing complete? It’s a little hard to see. But the author of Underload took care of that question, by showing how to compile [Unlambda][unlambda] into Underload.
* Unlambda “`s`” translates to Underload “`((:)~*(~)*a(~*(~^)*))`”
* Unlambda “`k`” translates to Underload “`(a(!)~*)`”
* Unlambda “`i`” translates to Underload “`()`”.
* Unlambda “““” translates to Underload “~^”.
* Unlambda “`.x`” translates to Underload “`((x)S)`”.

A Tree Grows Up in Haskell: Building a Dictionary Type

Last time around, I walked through the implementation of
a very simple binary search tree. The implementation that I showed
was reasonable, if not great, but it had two major limitations. First,
it uses equality testing for the search, so that the implementation is only really suitable for use as a set; and second, because it’s such
a trivial tree implementation, it’s very easy for the tree to become
highly unbalanced, resulting in poor performance.

Today, we’ll look at how to extend the implementation so that our BST
becomes useful as a key/value dictionary type. We’ll take two different
approaches to that, each of which demonstrates some common Haskell
techniques: one based on on using higher order functions, and one based on
using tuples. Balancing the tree will be a task for another day.

As an aside: in a real Haskell program, you would probably never write a simple type like this. Haskell has a great library, and it’s got plenty of library types that do a much better job than this. This
is really only for tutorial purposes.

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Building Datatypes in Haskell (part 1)

For this post, I’m doing a bit of an experiment. Haskell includes a “literate” syntax mode. In literate mode, and text that doesn’t start with a “>” sign is considered a comment. So this entire post can be copied and used as a source file; just save it with a name ending in `”.lhs”`. If this doesn’t work properly, please post something in the comments to let me know. It’s more work for me to write the posts this way, so if it’s not working properly, I’d rather not waste the effort. I’ve tested it in both Hugs and ghci, and everything works, but who knows what will happen after a pass through MovableType!

Like most modern programming languages, Haskell has excellent support for building user-defined data types. In fact, even though Haskell is very much not object-oriented, most Haskell programs end up being centered around the design and implementation of data structures.

So today, I’m going to start looking at how you implement data types in Haskell. What I’m
going to do is start by showing you how to implement a simple binary search tree. I’ll start with
a very simple version, and then build on that.

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Functions, Types, Function Types, and Type Inference

Haskell is a strongly typed language. In fact, the type system in Haskell is both stricter and more
expressive than any type system I’ve seen for any non-functional language. The moment we get beyond
writing trivial integer-based functions, the type system inevitably becomes visible, so we need to
take the time now to talk about it a little bit, in order to understand how it works.

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