Category Archives: Computation

The Perspex Machine: Super-Turing Computation from the Nullity Guy


If you remember, a while back, I wrote about a British computer scientist named James Anderson, who
claimed to have solved the “problem” of “0/0” by creating a new number that he called nullity
. The
creation of nullity was actually part of a larger project of his – he claims to have designed a computing
machine called the Perspex machine which is strictly more powerful that the Turing machine. If
this was true, it would mean that the Church-Turing thesis is false, overturning a huge part of the theory
of computer science.

Of course, just overturning the theory of computer science isn’t grandiose enough. He also claims that this solves the mind body problem, explains how free will works, and provides a potential
grand unified theory of physics. From Anderson’s own introduction on his website:

The Book of Paragon is a web site that offers one solution to the centuries old philosophical conundrum
of how minds relate to bodies. This site shows that the perspective simplex, or perspex, is a simple
physical thing that is both a mind and a body.

The perspex can be understood in many ways. Mathematically, the perspex is a particular kind of matrix; concretely, it is simultaneously a physical shape, a physical motion, an artificial neuron, and an instruction for a machine that is more powerful than the Turing machine. In other words, a perspex is an instruction for a perspex machine that is more powerful than any theoretically possible digital computer.

The perspex machine operates in a 4D space of perspexes called perspex space. This space is related to the 4D spacetime we live in. It is claimed that the perspex machine can describe any aspect of the universe we live in, and can be built from any part of our universe. In other words, the universe can be understood as a perspex machine. And, on the materialistic assumption, our bodies and minds are physical things so they, too, can be understood as perspex machines.

This site contains mathematical formulas for the perspex machine and for properties such as feeling, consciousness, and free will. These things are described in scientific papers, books, and software that you can download and run. The site also contains news items that explain the perspex machine in a non-technical way, and it has links to old research on the perspex machine.

He also claims that the Perspex machine can prove the existence of free will, God, and original sin.

One thing you’ve got to give to Anderson – the guy’s got ambition.

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Graph Searches and Disjoint Sets: the Union-Find Problem

Suppose you’ve got a huge graph – millions of nodes. And you know that it’s not connected – so the graph actually consists of some number of pieces (called the connected components of the graph). And there are constantly new vertices and edges being added to the graph, but nothing is ever removed. Some questions you might want to ask about this graph at a particular point in time are:

  • How many components are there in the graph?
  • Which component is vertex X in?
  • Are vertices X and Y in the same component?
  • How many components are there?

All of these questions are variants of a classic computer science problem, called
union-find, which also comes up in an astonishing number of different contexts. The reason for the name is that in the representation of the solution, there
are two basic operations: union, and find. Basically, the division of the graph into
components is also a partition of the vertices of the graph into disjoint sets: union find
is a problem which focuses on a particular kind of disjoint set problem, where you can modify
the sets over time.

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Amortized Complexity – a Tool for Graph Algorithms (among others)

There are a lot of very cool problems in computer science that can be solved by using
an appropriate data structure; and the data structures are often easiest to describe in terms
of graphs. And of those data structures, one thing that often comes up is amortized algorithmic complexity. Amortized complexity is something which has been occupying my thoughts lately,
because it’s come up in several real problems, so I’m in the mood to write about it, and it’ll be
useful later.

The idea of amortized complexity is that for some structures, the worst case complexity
cost of a series of operations is different from the worst-case complexity of a single operation. In amortized complexity, you consider cases where some operation is inexpensive most of the time – but to keep it inexpensive most of the time, you need to periodically do something expensive.

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Process Declarations in Pica

Sorry for the slow pace of things around here lately; life interferes sometimes. I’ve mentioned my fathers illness before; things took a drastic change for the worse a week ago, which made things more than a little bit crazy. Of course, life wouldn’t be life in things happened one at a time; so naturally, my asthma picked now to act up as well, so I’ve been coughing my lungs out. It’s been a fun week, really.

Anyway, I’ve been wanting to look a bit more at Pica. I’ve been thinking about how a named process definition looks, and what it does. The type part of a definition is relatively straightforward: a process is defined by a set of externally visible channels; each channel is defined by a type. In a named definition, there are two types of channels to think about. One is a set of channels supplied to the process when it’s created; the other is a set of channels created by the process, but which are ‘exported’: that is, made visible to other processes. The type of a process is a tuple of all of the channels which the process exports the outside world.

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Moving on: π-calculus and common programming idioms

Before diving off into real content, the name of my little π-calculus monstrosity has been chosen. As several people recommended in the comments, I’m going to go with Pica.

So, today, we’re going to take the dive, and start looking at some interesting semantics of the language. The goal of this is still to work on Pica’s type system: I want to work towards a first draft of what a process type will look like. But to figure out what a process type should look like, we need to think about how process abstractions will be defined and used in Pica, what control structures are going to look like. So that’s what I’m going to do in this post: ramble on a bit about what processes are really going to end up looking like. Just a warning: this post is definitely on the half-baked side – it’s much more of a train-of-thought/brainstorming thing than the things I usually post.

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Why am I doing this Pi-Calculus Language Thing?

Since my post on datatypes for my π-calculus language, I’ve gotten a bunch of questions from people who (I guess) picked up on the series after the original post where I said that the idea of the series was to see if I could create a programming language based on it. The questions are all variations on “Why design another programming language? Do you really think anyone will ever use it?”

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Process Equivalence in π-calculus

Before moving on, there’s one question that I thought was important enough to promote up to the front page, instead of just answering it in the comments. A commenter asked about process replication, !P, wanting to know if it terminates.

The answer comes in two parts.

  • !P does process creation on demand. It’s not an infinite parallel group of processes; it’s just a way of writing that there are as many of P as you need. So you can think of it like tape cells in a Turing machine: we never say that a Turing machine tape is infinitely long; but there’s always enough cells. !P isn’t an infinite replication of P; it’s a notation for “enough copies of P”. So when you’re done using replicas of P, you can think of !P disappearing.
  • Often in π-calculus, we actually don’t worry about termination of every process. You can think of it in terms of garbage collection: we’re running some group of processes to perform a computation. When they’re done, they terminate. Any process which has no ports that are reachable by any other active process can simply be collected.

The next place to go in our exploration of π-calculus is considering just what it really means for two processes to be equivalent. The fundamental equivalence relation in
π-calculus is called bisimulation. The idea of bisimulation is roughly a kind of observational equivalence: two processes are equivalent under bisimulation if they exhibit the same visible behavior under all tests by an external observer.

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Numbers Using Processes and Messages: Part 1, Addition

Given a calculus, one of the things that I always want to see is how it can do
some kind of meaningful computation. The easiest way to do that is to start building numbers and basic arithmetic.

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The π-Calculus Storage Cell

As I did with my first attempt at explaining π-calculus, I think that before getting into any of the deep semantics, it’s good to look at a few examples of things you can build with π-calculus. But before getting to the meat of the post, I’ll give you the answer the puzzle I left in the last post. What’s wrong with the example I gave for “Hello world” yesterday?

As a reminder, the question was: Assume “out” is the name for a channel that is read by a process that prints whatever it receives to the standard output. What’s wrong with the following process as an implementation of “Hello World”?

new(in).{ *(?in(x).!out(x).∅)
| !in(hello).!in(world).∅ }

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Back to π-Calculus: a better introduction

Now that things are settling down a little bit, I wanted to get back to the stuff I was writing about π-calculus. But looking back at what I’ve already written, I think I did a terrible job of introducing it. So I’m going to start over, and try to be more clear.

I’ll start with a basic refresher of what π-calculus is for, and a bit of history for where it came from.

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