The Latest Update in the Hydrino Saga

Lots of people have been emailing me to say that there’s a new article out about Blacklight, the company started by Randall Mills to promote his Hydrino stuff, which claims to have an independent validation of his stuff, and announcing the any-day-now unveiling of the latest version of his hydrino-based generator.

First of all, folks, this isn’t an article, it’s a press release from Blacklight. The Financial Post just printed it in their online press-release section. It’s an un-edited release written by Blacklight.

There’s nothing new here. I continue to think that this is a scam. But what kind of scam?

To find out, let’s look at a couple of select quotes from this press release.

Using a proprietary water-based solid fuel confined by two electrodes of a SF-CIHT cell, and applying a current of 12,000 amps through the fuel, water ignites into an extraordinary flash of power. The fuel can be continuously fed into the electrodes to continuously output power. BlackLight has produced millions of watts of power in a volume that is one ten thousandths of a liter corresponding to a power density of over an astonishing 10 billion watts per liter. As a comparison, a liter of BlackLight power source can output as much power as a central power generation plant exceeding the entire power of the four former reactors of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant, the site of one of the worst nuclear disasters in history.

One ten-thousandth of a liter of water produces millions of watts of power.

Sounds impressive, doesn’t it? Oh, but wait… how do we measure energy density of a substance? Joules per liter, or something equivalent – that is, energy per volume. But Blacklight is quoting energy density as watts per liter.

The joule is a unit of energy. A joule is a shorthand for frac{text{kilogram}*text{meter}^2}{text{second}^2}. Watts are a different unit, a measure of power, which is a shorthand for frac{text{kilogram}*text{meter}^2}{text{second}^3}. A watt is, therefore, one joule/second.

They’re quoting a rather peculiar unit there. I wonder why?

Our safe, non-polluting power-producing system catalytically converts the hydrogen of the H2O-based solid fuel into a non-polluting product, lower-energy state hydrogen called “Hydrino”, by allowing the electrons to fall to smaller radii around the nucleus. The energy release of H2O fuel, freely available in the humidity in the air, is one hundred times that of an equivalent amount of high-octane gasoline. The power is in the form of plasma, a supersonic expanding gaseous ionized physical state of the fuel comprising essentially positive ions and free electrons that can be converted directly to electricity using highly efficient magnetohydrodynamic converters. Simply replacing the consumed H2O regenerates the fuel. Using readily-available components, BlackLight has developed a system engineering design of an electric generator that is closed except for the addition of H2O fuel and generates ten million watts of electricity, enough to power ten thousand homes. Remarkably, the device is less than a cubic foot in volume. To protect its innovations and inventions, multiple worldwide patent applications have been filed on BlackLight’s proprietary technology.

Water, in the alleged hydrino reaction, produces 100 times the energy of high-octane gasoline.

Gasoline contains, on average, about 11.8 kWh/kg. A milliliter of gasoline weighs about 7/10ths of a gram, compared to the 1 gram weight of a milliter of water; therefore, a kilogram of gasoline should contain around 1400 milliliters. So, let’s take 11.8kWh/kg, and convert that to an equivalent measure of energy per milliter: about 8 1/2 kWh/milliliter. How does that compare to hydrinos? Oh, wait… we can’t convert those, now can we? Because they’re using power density. And the power density of a substance depends not just on how much power you can extract, but how long it takes to extract it. Explosives have fantastic power density! Gasoline – particularly high octane gasoline – is formulated to try to burn as slowly as possible, because internal combustion engines are more efficient on a slower burn.

To bring just a bit of numbers into it, TNT has a much higher power density than gasoline. You can easily knock down buildings with TNT, because of the way that it emits all of its energy in one super short burst. But it’s energy density is just 1/4th the energy density of gasoline.

Hmm. I wonder why Mills is using the power density?

Here’s my guess. Mills has some bullshit process where he spikes his generator with 12000 amps, and gets a microsecond burst of energy out. If you can produce 100 joules from one milliliter in 1/1000th of a second, that’s a power density of 100,000 joules per milliliter.

Suddenly, the amount of power that’s being generated isn’t so huge – and there, I would guess, is the key to Mills latest scam. If you’re hitting your generating apparatus with 12,000 amperes of electric current, and you’re producing microsecond burst of energy, it’s going to be very easy to produce that energy by consuming something in the apparatus, without that consumption being obvious to an observer who isn’t allowed to independently examine the apparatus in detail.

Now, what about the “independent verification”? Again, let’s look at the press release.

“We at The ENSER Corporation have performed about thirty tests at our premises using BLP’s CIHT electrochemical cells of the type that were tested and reported by BLP in the Spring of 2012, and achieved the three specified goals,” said Dr. Ethirajulu Dayalan, Engineering Fellow, of The ENSER Corporation. “We independently validated BlackLight’s results offsite by an unrelated highly qualified third party. We confirmed that hydrino was the product of any excess electricity observed by three analytical tests on the cell products, and determined that BlackLight Power had achieved fifty times higher power density with stabilization of the electrodes from corrosion.” Dr. Terry Copeland, who managed product development for several electrochemical and energy companies including DuPont Company and Duracell added, “Dr. James Pugh (then Director of Technology at ENSER) and Dr. Ethirajulu Dayalan participated with me in the independent tests of CIHT cells at The ENSER Corporation’s Pinellas Park facility in Florida starting on November 28, 2012. We fabricated and tested CIHT cells capable of continuously producing net electrical output that confirmed the fifty-fold stable power density increase and hydrino as the product.”

Who is the ENSER corporation? They’re an engineering consulting/staffing firm that’s located in the same town as Blacklight’s offices. So, pretty much, what we’re seeing is that Mills hired his next door neighbor to provide a data-free testimonial promising that the hydrino generator really did work.

Real scientists, doing real work, don’t pull nonsense like this. Mills has been promising a commercial product within a year for almost 25 years. In that time, he’s filed multiple patents, some of which have already expired! And yet, he’s never actually allowed an independent team to do a public, open test of his system. He’s never provided any actual data about the system!

He and his team have claimed things like “We can’t let people see it, it’s secret”. But they’re filing patents. You don’t get to keep a patent secret. A patent application, under US law, must contain: “a description of how to make and use the invention that must provide sufficient detail for a person skilled in the art (i.e., the relevant area of technology) to make and use the invention.”. In other words, if the patents that Mills and friends filed are legally valid, they must contain enough information for an interested independent party to build a hydrino generator. But Mills won’t let anyone examine his supposedly working generators. Why? It’s not to keep a secret!

Finally, the question that a couple of people, including one reporter for WiredUK asked: If it’s all a scam, why would Mills and company keep on making claims?

The answer is the oldest in the book: money.

In my email this morning, I got a new version of a 419 scam letter. It’s from a guy who claims to be the nephew of Ariel Sharon. He claims that his uncle owned some farmland, including an extremely valuable grove of olive trees, in the occupied west bank. Now, he claims, the family wants to sell that land – but as Sharon’s, they can’t let their names get in to the news. So, he says, he wants to “sell” the land to me for a pittance, and then I can sell it for what it’s really worth, and we’ll split the profits.

When you read about people who’ve fallen for 419 scams, you find that the scammers don’t ask for all of the money up front. They start off small: “There is a $500 fee for the transfer”. When they get that, they show you some “evidence” in the form of an official-looking transfer-clearance recepit. But then they say that there’s a new problem, and they need money to get around it. “We were preparing to transfer, but the clerk became suspicious; we need to bribe him!”, “There’s a new financial rule that you can’t transfer sums greater that $10000 to someone without a Nigerian bank account containing at least $100,000”. It’s a continual process. They always show some kind of fake document at each step of the way. The fakes aren’t particularly convincing unless you really want to be convinced, but they’re enough to keep the money coming.

Mills appears to be operating in very much the same vein. He’s getting investors to give him money, promising that whatever they invest, they’ll get back manifold when he starts selling hydrino power generators! He promises they’ll be on market within a year or two – five at most!

Then he comes up with either a demonstration, or the testimonial from his neighbor, or the self-publication of his book, or another press release talking about the newest version of his technology. It’s much better than the old one! This time it’s for real – just look at these amazing numbers! It’s 10 billion watts per liter, a machine that fits on your desk can generate as much power as a nuclear power plant!! We just need some more money to fix that pesky problem with corrosion on the electrodes, and then we’ll go to market, and you’ll be rich, rich, rich!

It’s been going on for almost 25 years, this constant cycle of press release/demo/testimonial every couple of years. (Seriously; in this post, I showed links to claims from 2009 claiming commercialization within 12 to 18 months; from 2005 claiming commercialization within months; and claims from 1999 claiming commercialization within a year.) But he always comes up with an excuse why those deadlines needed to be missed. And he always manages to find more investors, willing to hand over millions of dollars. As long as suckers are still willing to give him money, why wouldn’t he keep on making claims?

33 thoughts on “The Latest Update in the Hydrino Saga

  1. Matthew Cline

    In other words, if the patents that Mills and friends filed are legally valid, they must contain enough information for an interested independent party to build a hydrino generator.

    To play devil’s advocate: he could have working technology, but is submitting legally invalid patent applications, either due to legal incompetence, or due to some bizarre (and secret) legal strategy.

    1. Mark Chu-Carroll

      It’s possible, but it would be stupid, pointless, and expensive.

      I continue to believe that it’s simply just fraud.

    2. John Fringe

      Well, if you take this approach, you also have to assume that he nonetheless wrote a book full of nonsense pretending to be physics. One of the problems with Mills is that he actually showed us his cards, his “knowledge” of physics. Don’t forget that.

      So, incompetency filling patents, incompetency with physics, years promising working technology and delivering nothing, independent reviews by himself, but competency developing incredible working technology? Well, yes, I imagine quantum mechanics doesn’t forbits this, but.. XD

  2. John Fringe

    Speaking about units and mistaking energy for power, his press release literally says

    “The projected cost of the SF-CIHT cell is between $10 and $100/kW compared to over one hundred times that for conventional power sources of electricity.”

    He measures his cost in dollars per power. He doesn’t understand that costs depends on how long you’re producing this power, or how much energy you’re producing XD

    I knew Mills has no clue about units or elementary physics (we already saw on the previous thread), but showing it so naively directly on his press release (which I assume tries to attract “investors”) it just ridiculous. I’d better not think about the kind of investors he’s looking for XD XD XD

    1. MarkCC Post author

      You’re more generous than I am. You’re assuming that he’s just ignorant and making a mistake; I look at his history, and I conclude that he’s actively trying to deceive – that he knows the difference between power and energy, and he’s trying to slip this past his investors.

    2. Rob Ryan

      In Mills’ “defense” (and, don’t misunderstand, I agree with Mark that Mills is another in the long list of “exotic free energy” fraudsters), most power plant statistics list $/kW or $/MW. Typical figures might be, for a large producer, $1M to $6M per MW of capacity.

      The appropriate metric for evaluating a power plant, as John Fringe implied, is “LCOE” or levelized cost of energy which takes lifetime costs into account. I wouldn’t anticipate seeing such a metric from Mills anytime soon.

  3. Uncle Al

    Meeee! I can spew diddly at Mock 1! First, awesomely scientific BS,

    A hermetically isolated hard vacuum envelope contains two closely spaced but not touching, in-register and parallel, electrically conductive plates having micro-spiked inner surfaces. They are connected with a wire, perhaps containing a dissipative load (small motor). One plate has a large vacuum work function material inner surface (e.g., osmium at 5.93 eV). The other plate has a small vacuum work function material inner surface (e.g., n-doped diamond “carbon nitride” at 0.1 eV). Above 0 kelvin, spontaneous cold cathode emission runs the closed isolated system. Emitted electrons continuously fall down the 5.8 volt potential gradient. Evaporation from carbon nitride cools that plate. Accelerated collision onto osmium warms that plate. Round and round. The plates never come into thermal equilibrium when electrically shorted. The motor runs forever.
    Second egregiously scientific BS.

  4. Hal Harris

    You didn’t reiterate in this description that the essential key to the Blacklight Power system is the production of these fictitious “hydrinos”, which are hydrogen atoms in atomic states below the ground state of hydrogen. In other words, the Schroedinger Equation is required to have a solution for hydrogen that has never previously been noticed. Blacklight used to have an animation that very clearly showed the essence of the process, but I believe they have removed it from their Web site because it was so obviously impossible.

  5. James Sweet

    Although it certainly appears that Mills is indeed trying to scam investors, I just want to emphasize (as others have hinted at) that the question “If it’s all fake, then why does he keep at it?” does not necessarily require an answer. Many people have dedicated their lives to quixotic quests for stuff that is obvious BS.

  6. Pius J. Zaleski

    The designation of “Bad Math” based on your dislike of the units used is the Press Release is not an accurate one.

    The only fuels with higher energy density than that of the hydrino reaction are fission and fusion. Fuel “energy density” in this instance is irrelevant as a figure of merit as a power source. Fission has a very low power density of about 1000W/liter in the boiler. Otherwise, the chain reaction would be in danger of going out of control making square miles of land uninhabitable, even if evacuation was successful. Despite assurances, several disasters have occurred, and more are inevitable. Fission is very dangerous, very expensive, and even to this day the disposal of the radioactive waste and radioactive reactors has not been solved.

    Fusion is even more dangerous, more technically impractical, and expensive. Fusion has a high energy density of fuel, but the reaction rate, even in stars, is very low. Commercial fusion reactors even using tritium, which is VERY dangerous since it is incorporated into DNA, is projected to be only 100 W/liter. Thus, an enormous reactor is needed. Huge plasma loses are incurred. It is very hard to recover the energy due to the low densities. The reactor, magnetic confinement, and power systems are huge. Thus, the power plant is very expensive. Moreover, all these components become irradiated by the massive amounts of high-energy fusion radiation and become radioactive. This is very very dangerous:a huge central power generator scale system that is highly radioactive.

    A hypothetical fusion reactor requires a size of 500 millions times that of the SF-CIHT cell for the same electricity output, and a corresponding factor in cost and complexity, not to mention the huge danger due to lethal amounts of radiation and radiative material produced. Fusion is a very bad, very expensive, very dangerous technology. Fuel energy density is a guise to conceal the real issues. Besides, there is an inexhaustible amount of free H2O on the planet and no tritium that is the only fuel considered viable even in experimental reactors. Moreover, a fusion reactor is low-power-density, thermal, requiring that it must be tethered to a massive steam turbine, generator, and central grid. All are made obsolete by the SF-CIHT cell.

    However, since you prefer energy density units, consider the following.
    121 MJ per gallon per the EIA
    1 US gallon = 3.78541178 liters
    32 MJ/liter or 3.2E7 J/liter

    The hydrino reaction releases 50 MJ/mole H2(1/4) with one mole H2O to one mole H2(1/4); 55 moles H2O/liter; 2.75E9J/liter.

    The energy density of an exemplary fuel from the patent application was found to be as follows. Note the fuel volume contains both catalyst and H2O.

    SF-CIHT Fuel Sample (1e-5 liter of Fuel)

    I for one am tired of all the critics of the Mill’s GUTCP (Grand Unified Theory of Classical Physics), Millsian Modeling software, and Blacklight Power efforts not devoting even a little time to do honest scientific evaluation of the materials that have been generated.

    But then, I guess that’s the nature of a blog, to speak off the cuff on bits of web inuendo. So be it.

    1. MarkCC Post author

      If energy density is just a guise to conceal the real issues, then why go to such trouble to obfuscate? Why ignore all of the points I made in this post, in favor of just whining and attacking me?

      The fact is, Mill’s GUTCP is a pile of garbage. It’s not even a good fake; it’s just nonsense. Blacklight is a con game that’s been going on for years.

      The proponents of Hydrinos need to explain:

      (1) Why have hydrinos never been observed in nature? We get to see a hell of lot of hydrogen in nature. We’ve seen it behave in a virtually uncountable number of environments. We’ve seen how it reacts, at temperatures ranging from a fraction of a degree above absolute zero, to hundreds of times hotter than the core of the sun. We’ve seen react with pretty much every element that exists on earth. High energy, low energy, you name it. We see how it behaves in stars, in nebula, in atmospheres ranging from mars to gas giants. And yet, there’s never been the slightest hint, in any of those environments, that the hydrogen atom has an energy state below the common base. Why?

      (2) Why has blacklight constantly claimed to be less than a year from commercializing their system?

      (3) Why does blacklight pretend that they can’t tell anyone how to reproduce their system from scratch, when they’ve filed a patent on it? (This one is particularly telling when it comes to the issue of fraud. Because either (a) they’re lying when they say they can’t reveal the process to build their device, or (b) they lied on their patent application. There’s no third choice: a patent application is required to provide instructions detailed enough to reproduce an invention; either they’ve already given away the “secret” that they can’t reveal, or they didn’t. If they did, then they’re lying; if they didn’t, then they lied.)

      The fact is, I would dearly love for something like Mills generator to work. If it did, it could solve so many problems in our world. All at once, we’d have a supply of virtually limitless clean energy, without pollution. God, can you imagine the things we could do if we got rid of all limits caused by the cost of producing energy?

      The problem is, these things don’t work. And the people who continue to pretend that they can, in spite of all of the evidence against it, never give up – because there’s so damned much money to be made.

      I got almost exactly the same lecture as this one, a few years back, when I predicted that Steorn’s free energy rig was a fraud, and that there’d be some kind of technical failure in their much-ballyhooed demonstration. What happened? They set up their demo, of course it didn’t work, and they came up with some bullshit about how the lights for the cameras overheated the bearings. And they appealed to new investors, promising that they’d fix the bearing problem and redo the demo.

      Four years later? Still making the same promises. Just like Mills. Just like Tom Bearden. Just like every other free energy fraud.

    2. John Fringe

      “The only fuels with higher energy density than that of the hydrino reaction are fission and fusion.”

      Yes, because fision and fusion are great fuels themselves. They are so good that yesterday I bought three liters of fusion and several kilograms of fision XD XD XD

      God, Mills “supporters” are incredible.

  7. _Arthur

    But, Mark, hydrinos have been observed a laboratory experiment, a few weeks back, as described in MILLS 2013, published December 20,2013:
    “The predicted H(1/4) continuum radiation in the region 10 to 30 nm was observed first at BlackLight Power, Inc. (BLP) and reproduced at the Harvard Center for Astrophysics (CfA) wherein H2O catalyst was formed by a hydrogen reduction reaction at the anode of a hydrogen pinch plasma.”
    See, how can anyone doubt it now ? And they laughed at Bozo the Clown !!1!

  8. Pius J. Zaleski

    I made no attempt to ignore points, just conjecture.

    The point you made with regard to power density I responded to with a counterpoint.

    Oh, I forgot to mention that you cited the wrong Enser corporation. the one that Blacklight Power worked with for replication of the CIHT electrochemical fuel cell is based in Florida and is a Department of Defense supplier of thermal batteries.

    Let me take this opportunity to comment on the points which you raised in your reply as needing addressed.

    1)Why have hydrinos never been observed in nature?

    You can’t observe something unless you know what you are looking for. Fractional Hydrogen states do not exhibit in the same manner as excited states. The Grand Unified Theory of Classical Physics predicts the states as well as how to identify them via existing well-established identification techniques. Once you know what their signature is the observation is then possible. Based on the predicted signature of hydrino states, they are not only observable in the Blacklight processes, there is good evidence from Astronomy that the dark matter of universe may well be hydrino. Makes sense given that hydrogem is the most abundant element in the universe. Also the GUTCP and hydrino provide insight into anomolies in Sun temperatures which having scientists perplexed. There are many other predictive capabilties of the GUTCP with which you should avail yourself of. It spin-off Millsian is much better at predicting properties of chemical compounds than the best quantum mechanics calculations. Quantum mechanics, talk about bad math!

    2)Why has blacklight constantly claimed to be less than a year from commercializing their system?

    Blacklight has an intellectual property rights business model. They do not intend to produce a consumer product. What they do produce are repeatable experiments and Engineering Designs for explotation of the science they develop. They lock up the intellectual property rights via patents with the intent to license them to OEMs. A valid business model whch lets them focus on the science. Their claims have been that the technology will be in place for commercial products and on that they have delivered. The marketplace will decide when that technolgy will be realized as those products which is a much tougher haul.

    They have produced repeatable experiments and engineering designs for two of their three technologies pretty much on schedule. Thermal solid fuel systems aimed at exisitng power plants, CIHT electrochemical fuel cells aimed at distributed power and SF-CIHT also aimed at distributed power and the topic of the latest Press Release. As I said, the first two have been replicated by outside firms with results which verify the finding of Blacklight and which point was also made in the Press Release.

    3)Why does blacklight pretend that they can’t tell anyone how to reproduce their system from scratch, when they’ve filed a patent on it?

    Nothing could be further from the truth. Their publications and patents provide the necessary information to replicate their results as the current round of independent validations confirm. See 2 above.

    Let me know if I can help elucidate the matter more clearly for you. However, I believe that you would be better served to stop blogging on this topic with me or others and do some reading of the materials your blogging about. Just a suggestion.

    1. MarkCC Post author

      Once again: the facts here are quite simple.

      Mills has been claiming that there will be commercial hydrino generators on the market within a year since at least 1991. 20 years later, we’re still hearing “within a year”. Mills still makes claims that he cannot support. His “grand unified theory” has made absolutely no useful predictions. The ones that he keeps citing have also kept changing. Miraculously, they’re always predicting whatever the current best measurement says.

      If his patents actually really did demonstrate how to generate effectively free energy through the magic of hydrinos, why hasn’t anyone built an actual product on it? The 1991 patents have already expired!

      Remember the magnitude of what this guy is claiming. If he’s correct, he’s produced the most amazing, profound discovery in a century, and with it, he’s invented a product/process which is possibly the single most important invention since the industrial revolution! He’s got a product/process which can solve all of the worlds energy process. And he filed a patent documenting the process more than 20 years ago! In all that time, he hasn’t been able to actually find anyone to commercialize it?

      His regular puff pieces talk about how NASA, the DOD, and various power companies are all interested in his product. And yet not a single one of them has bothered to build a commercial unit?

      Are all of those people just stupid? They’ve got instructions on how to build a working unit from his patent, but not one of them has taken the opportunity to build what would be the most profitable product in the history of the world?

      Oh, and the dark matter claim: Mills simultaneously claims that hydrinos are dark matter. What makes dark matter dark? It doesn’t interact with bright matter, it doesn’t interact with light, and it doesn’t interact with electromagnetism. But wait: hydrinos form magically wonderful compounds! Which means that they do interact with bright matter and electromagnetism. Gosh, which way is it? Are they dark matter which doesn’t interact with anything but gravity, or are they chemically active? They’re both! They’re magic!

      They’re bullshit.

      1. John Fringe

        “Miraculously, they’re always predicting whatever the current best measurement says.”

        Not exactly, Mark. In

        you can see he gives old values for some particles, which are discarded by now, and still speaks about a massless neutrino, which is also discarded.

        He simply rewrites what his potential investors, not knowing these details, can know from news, like the discovery of Higgs. But even here he doesn’t make much effort.

  9. John Fringe

    A last round of PR before calling for money, eh?

    We had enough proof. Independent verification by Mills or asserting that hydrino is the most power fuel (even most power than other fuels like fision XD XD XD) will fool very few people. Most people know that Superman is even most powerful than hydrino. For most information, potential investor, see :

    The Department of Defense XD XD XD, good one, I can’t stop XD XD XD

  10. John Fringe

    By the way, any mathematically or physically inclined person can easilly check that his book is complete nonsense, but for the layman who knows nothing about math or science (i.e., his potential investors), I would like to remember this wonderful prediction he made in his thick book, 2010 version, page 1543:

    “These results demonstrate that a hypothetical particle dubbed the Higgs boson […] will not be observed in experiments performed at Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (Fermilab), the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), or any future colliderc [31].”

    Yes, yes, we know. He changed that once it was definitively observed, now saying that he predicted the observation and “explaining” why it would be observed. This is whay he does. He also “predicts” the mass of all the measured particles, and his “predictions” change as more exact data is known. He also predicts a lot of known wrong things, like massless neutrinos, etc.

    But the prediction of the imposibility of the observation of a Higgs by CERN and the posterior conceal of this by “prediction” it should convince most potential investors that his science is a transparent scam.

  11. Dave H

    Surely one only needs to refer to first year undergrad physics here. The “hydrino” claim says that they have produced a hydrogen atom with an electron in an energy state lower than the currently known ground state. Since the ground state is defined by the Bohr radius, then they would have to change this. And since the Bohr radius is defined by three fundamental constants, Planck’s constant, the electron mass and the electron charge, then they would have to change in some way the relations between these fundamental constants of nature….which is impossible.

    Thus their claims are bunk.

    1. MarkCC Post author

      Ah, but didn’t you see? Mills has his own physics textbook, which explains it all! (And gets periodically updated, so that it appears to predict whatever the latest measurements are!)

  12. _Arthur

    Article at:
    With 3D images of the yet-to-be-built free energy apparatus!

    “He has been able to raise $80 million dollars so far to support their research and development.”
    “Randy said that no one put the effort in 80 years ago in solving what the electron is. By doing so you find out it predicts why it’s stable; and how you can have more stable states of the H atom — which is what “dark matter” is comprised of. So the products of their reaction are oxygen and the hydrino, which is a more stable form of the hydrogen, and doesn’t react with anything. It is totally inert (dark matter). ”
    “The 10 MW device they are building is actually smaller than a square foot. It’s just 9 inches on each side. They’re buying a 10,000-amp commercial seam welder to apply to the prototype (where the water is turned to plasma–>electricity).”

    1. John Fringe

      Wow! The PROOF! Wow! A three page PDF uploaded by Mills to a blacklight power server! Now I believe! It’s impossible to put a PDF on a server without hydrinos! The Windows Paint technology required to create such a PDF depends on such incredible physical entities! ¬¬

      1. _Arthur

        Well, by applying a current of 12,000 amps to dirty water, he produced both fresh hydrinos and heaps of dark matter.
        So now he has just to bottle up samples of both, mail it posthaste to all physics labs in the US and the World, and then relax and wait for his Nobel Prize…

        1. John Fringe

          Yes, he did, because he claims he did, so of course he did. It’s conceptually impossible that he claims something to fool people.It would be… how could we call that…

          Instead of trying to fool people saying that he will receive a Nobel, you could upload a PDF saying he already have three of them. Maybe someone could shallow that, too.

  13. _Arthur

    BlackLightPower has a web page with several reports of engineers that observed its 2 experiments:

    One, with a copper compound in a crucible:
    “In the first experiment the observed temperature rise was 0.105 C with input energy of 674 J and output energy of 1253 J. Thus, output/input = 1.86 with 86% excess energy. ”

    How not to be impressed by a rise of 0.01C after 27,000 volts were applied ?

    The other apparatus is a kind of fuel cell containing water vapor and argon.
    “There was a readout temperature, which was typically around 530 °C. I did not see where the type Kthermocouple was placed, but I was told that readings of 530 °C corresponded to cell temperatures of 450 °C, based on some previous calibration. ”
    “The energy produced is small, but not insignificant. About 2 mW of power are produced – similar to a very small battery. The total energy of 2 W-h is much smaller (at least 10x) than the energy required to heat the cell to operating temperature.”

    Very impressive results.

  14. _Arthur

    Not many news from BLP, no Free Energy Hydrinos power plant has gone on-line thus far.

    Their last PR is from April 2014:
    BlackLight’s Electricity-Generation Test of Automated Ignition System of Auger-Fed H2O-Based Solid Fuel Powder
    A very small quantity of highly conductive H2O-based solid fuel powder was loaded in to a hopper and gravity fed into an auger overhead of rollers electrodes that were electrified with about 5V, 20,000A. The high current flow ignited the gravity fed fuel to produce 0.5 ms pulses of brilliant light-emitting plasma having power and power densities of one million watts and 100 billion watts per liter, respectively, from the conversion of hydrogen to hydrinos, a more stable form of hydrogen.


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