Monthly Archives: August 2006

Something Nifty: A Taste of Simple Continued Fractions

One of the annoying things about how we write numbers is the fact that we generally write things one of two ways: as fractions, or as decimals.
You might want to ask, “Why is that annoying?” (And in fact, that’s what I want you to ask, or else there’s no point in my writing the rest of this!)
It’s annoying because both fractions and decimals can both only describe
*rational* numbers – that is, numbers that are a perfect ratio of two integers. And *most* numbers aren’t rational.
But it’s even more annoying than that: if you use decimals, then there are lots of rational numbers that you can’t represent exactly (i.e., 1/3); and if you use fractions, then it’s hard to express the idea that the fraction isn’t exact. (How do you write π as a fraction? 22/7 is a standard fractional approximation, but how do you say π, which is *almost* 22/7?)
So what do we do?
One of the answers is something called *continued fractions*. A continued fraction is a very neat thing. Here’s the idea: take a number where you don’t know it’s fractional form. Pick the nearest simple fraction 1/n that’s just a *little bit too large*. If you were looking at, say, 0.4, you’d take 1/2 – it’s a bit bigger. Now – you’ve got an approximation, but it’s too large. So that means that the demoninator is *too small*. So you add a correction to the denominator to make it a little bit bigger. And you just keep doing that – you approximate the correction to the denominator by adding a fraction to the denominator that’s just a little too big, and then you add a correction to *that* correction.
Let’s look at an example: 2.3456
1. It’s close to 2. So we start with 2 + (0.3456)
2. Now, we start approximating the fraction. The way we do that is we take the *reciprocal* of 0.3456 and take the integer part of it: 1/0.3456 rounded down is 2 . So we make it 2 + 1/2; and we know that the denominator is off by .3088.
3. We take the reciprocal again, and get 3, and it’s off by .736
4. We take the reciprocal again, and get 1, and it’s off by 0.264
5. Next we get 3, but it’s off by 208/1000
6. Then 4, off by 0.168
7. Then 5, off by .16
8. Then 6, off by .25
9. Then 4, off by 0; so now we have an exact result.
So as a continued fraction, 2.3456 looks like:
As a shorthand, continued fractions are normally written using a list notation inside of square brackets: the integer part, following by a semicolon, followed by a comma-separated list of the denominators of each of the fractions. So our continued fraction for 2.3456 would be written [2; 2, 3, 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 4].
There’s a very cool visual way of understanding that algorithm. I’m not going to show it for 2.3456, because it’s a bit too much… But let’s look at something simpler: let’s try to write 9/16ths as a continued fraction. Basically, we make a grid consisting of 16 squares across by 9 squares up and down. We draw the *largest* square we can on that grid. The number of squares of that size that we can draw is the first digit of the continued fraction. Now there’s a rectangle left over: we draw the largest squares we can, there. And so on:


So the continued fraction for 9/16ths is [0; 1, 1, 3, 2].
Using continued fractions, we can represent *any* rational number in a finite-length continued fraction.
One incredibly nifty thing about this way of writing numbers is: what’s the reciprocal of 2.3456, aka [2; 2, 3, 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 4]? It’s [0; 2, 2, 3, 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 4]. We just add a zero to the front as the integer part, and push everything else one place to the right. If it was a zero in front, then we would have removed the zero and pulled everything else one place to the left.
Irrational numbers are represented as *infinite* continued fractions. So there’s an infinite series of correction fractions. You can understand it as a series of every-improving approximations of the value of the number. And you can define it using a recurrence relation (that is, a recursive formula) for how to get to the next digit.
For example, π = [3; 7, 15, 1, 292, 1, …]. If we work that out, the first six places of the continued fraction for pi work out in decimal form to 3.14159265392. That’s correct to the first *11* places in decimal. Not bad, eh?
A very cool property of the continued fractions is: square roots written as continued fractions *always repeat*. Even cooler? What’s the square root of two as a continued fraction? [1; 2, 2, 2, 2, …. ].

e – the Unnatural Natural Number

Looks like I’ve accidentally created a series of articles here about fundamental numbers. I didn’t intend to; originally, I was just trying to write the zero article I’d promised back during the donorschoose drive.
Anyway. Todays number is *e*, aka Euler’s constant, aka the natural log base. *e* is a very odd number, but very fundamental. It shows up constantly, in all sorts of strange places where you wouldn’t expect it.
What is e?
*e* is a transcendental irrational number. It’s roughly 2.718281828459045. It’s also the base of the natural logarithm. That means that by definition, if ln(x)=y, then *e*y=x. Given my highly warped sense of humor, and my love of bad puns (especially bad *geek* puns) , I like to call *e* the *unnatural natural number*. (It’s natural in the sense that it’s the base of the natural logarithm; but it’s not a natural number according to the usual definition of natural numbers. Hey, I warned you that it was a bad geek pun.)
But that’s not a sufficient answer. We call it the *natural* logarithm. Why is that bizzare irrational number just a bit smaller than 2 3/4 *natural*?
Take the curve y=1/x. The area under the curve from 1 to n is the natural log of n. *e* is the point on the x axis where the area under the curve from 1 is equal to one:
It’s also what you get if you you add up the reciprocal of the factorials of every natural number: (1/0! + 1/1! + 1/2! + 1/3! + 1/4! + …)
It’s also what you get if you take the limit: *lim*n → ∞ (1 + 1/n)n.
It’s also what you get if you work out this very strange looking series:

2 + 1/(1+1/(2+2/(3+3/(4+..))))

It’s also the base of a very strange equation: the derivative of *e*x is… *e*x.
And of course, as I mentioned yesterday, it’s the number that makes the most amazing equation in mathematics work: *e*=-1.
Why does it come up so often? It’s really deeply fundamental. It’s tied to the fundamental structure of numbers. It really is a deeply *natural* number; it’s tied into the shape of a circle, to the basic 1/x curve. There are dozens of different ways of defining it, because it’s so deeply embedded in the structure of *everything*.
Wikipedia even points out that if you put $1 into a bank account paying 100% interest compounded continually, at the end of the year, you’ll have exactly *e* dollars. (That’s not too suprising; it’s just another way of stating the integral definition of *e*, but it’s got a nice intuitiveness to it.)

Lighter Topics – what do you want to know?

The category theory series is finally winding down; I’ve got one topic I’d like to write about, and then I’ll have had my fill of category theory for a while. I don’t want to dive right in to another really deep topic like topology, so I’m looking for some subjects that people are interested in that can be covered in one or two posts. I could come up with some by myself (and probably will), but there are a lot of things like the zero article which so many people seemed to enjoy which I could write about, but probably wouldn’t think of on my own.
So, what would you like to see one or two posts on?

i : the Imaginary Number

After the amazing response to my post about zero, I thought I’d do one about something that’s fascinated me for a long time: the number *i*, the square root of -1. Where’d this strange thing come from? Is it real (not in the sense of real numbers, but in the sense of representing something *real* and meaningful)?
The number *i* has its earliest roots in some of the work of early arabic mathematicians; the same people who really first understood the number 0. But they weren’t quite as good with *i* as they were with 0: they didn’t really get it. They had some concept of roots of a cubic equation, where sometimes the tricks for finding the roots of the equation *just didn’t work*. They knew there was something going on, some way that the equation needed to have roots, but just what that really mean, they didn’t get.
Things stayed that way for quite a while. Various others, like the Greeks, encountered them in various ways when things didn’t work, but no one *really* grasped the idea that algebra required numbers that were more than just points on a one-dimensional number-line.
The next step was in Italy, over 1000 years later. During the 16th century, people were searching for solutions to the cubic equations – the same thing that the arabic scholars were looking at. But getting some of the solutions – even solutions to equations with real roots – required playing with the square root of -1 along the way. It was first really described by Rafael Bombelli in the context of the solutions to the cubic; but Bombello didn’t really think that they were *real*, *meaningful* numbers: it was viewed as a useful artifact of the process of solving the equations, but it wasn’t accepted.
It got its name as the *imaginary number* as a result of a diatribe by Rene Descartes, who believed it was a phony artifact of sloppy algebra. He did not accept that it had any meaning at all: thus it was an “imaginary” number.
They finally came into wide acceptance as a result of the work of Euler in the 18th century. Euler was probably the first to really, fully comprehend the complex number system created by the existence of *i*. And working with that, he discovered one of the most fascinating and bizzare mathematical discoveries ever, known as *Euler’s equation*. I have no idea how many years it’s been since I was first exposed to this, and I *still* have a hard time wrapping my head around *why* it’s true.

e = cos θ + i sin θ

And what *that* really means is:

e = -1

That’s just astonishing. The fact that there is *such* a close relationship between i, π, and e is just shocking to me.
What *i* does
Once the reality of *i* as a number was accepted, mathematics was changed irrevocably. Instead of the numbers described by algebraic equations being points on a line, suddenly they become points *on a plane*. Numbers are really *two dimensional*; and just like the integer “1” is the unit distance on the axis of the “real” numbers, “i” is the unit distance on the axis of the “imaginary” numbers. As a result numbers *in general* become what we call *complex*: they have two components, defining their position relative to those two axes. We generally write them as “a + bi” where “a” is the real component, and “b” is the imaginary component.


The addition of *i* and the resulting addition of complex numbers is a wonderful thing mathematically. It means that *every* polynomial equation has roots; in particular, a polynomial equation in “x” with maximum exponent “n” will always have exactly “n” complex roots.
But that’s just an effect of what’s really going on. The real numbers are *not* closed algebraically under multiplication and addition. With the addition of *i*, multiplicative algebra becomes closed: every operation, every expression in algebra becomes meaningful: nothing escapes the system of the complex numbers.
Of course, it’s not all wonderful joy and happiness once we go from real to complex. Complex numbers aren’t ordered. There is no < comparison for complex numbers. The ability to do meaningful inequalities evaporates when complex numbers enter the system in a real way.
What *i* means
But what do complex numbers *mean* in the real world? Do they really represent real phenomena? Or are they just a mathematical abstraction?
They’re very real. There’s one standard example that everyone uses: and the reason that we all use it is because it’s such a perfect example. Take the electrical outlet that’s powering your computer. It’s providing alternating current. What does that mean?
Well, the *voltage* – which (to oversimplify) can be viewed as the amount of force pushing the current – is complex. In fact, if you’ve got a voltage of 110 volts AC at 60 hz (the standard in the US), what that means is that the voltage is a number of magnitude “110”. If you were to plot the “real” voltage on a graph with time on the X axis and voltage of the Y, you’d see a sine wave:


But that’s not really accurate. If you grabbed the wire when the voltage is supposedly zero on that graph, *you’d still get a shock*! Take the moment marked “t1” on the graph above. The voltage at time t1 on the complex plane is a point at “110” on the real axis. At time t2, the voltage on the “real” axis is zero – but on the imagine axis it’s 110. In fact, the *magnitude* of the voltage is *constant*: it’s always 110 volts. But the vector representing that voltage *is rotating* through the complex plane.


You also see it in the Fourier transform: when we analyze sound using a computer, one of the tricks we use is decomposing a complex waveform (like a human voice speaking) into a collection of basic sine waves, where the sine waves added up equal the wave at a given point in time. The process by which we
do that decomposition is intimately tied with complex numbers: the fourier transform, and all of the analyses and transformations built on it are dependent on the reality of complex numbers (and in particular on the magnificent Euler’s equation up above).